Thursday, September 27, 2012

Huffington Post-13 Things We Can’t Do Without Google.

Its Google's 14th birthday and there are many things people can't so without Google. 1) Spell words. 2) Stalk people. 3) Find Our Way Around Town. 4) Remember Recipes. 5) Enjoy Ourselves At The Office. 6) Remember Celebs.7) Drive Ourselves Around. 8) Figure Out Movie Times. 9) Understand Other Languages. 10) Comprend the Idea of Debating. 11) Remember Famous Quotes. 12) Understand Unit Conversions. 13) Remember Definitions.

This is so true. I don’t know how I lived without Google. If I need to find anything or have a question I always Google it. I have it on my phone and iPod. I would be lost without it. Its genius!

1 comment:

  1. We use to have to use phone books, dictionaries, newspapers, and libraries!! It is definitely more convenient and quicker to have the internet at our fingertips! Hard to believe it is 14 years already! Technology has definitely come a long ways. A lot of it is for the better. Unfortunately, it has made it easier to also stalk and air dirty laundry for the world to see.
