Friday, September 21, 2012

Womb with a View: Labor inside an MRI Scanner Reveals the Mechanics of Childbirth from Scientific American

The article was about how a German woman gave birth to her baby in an MRI scanner. The scanner was adjusted for birth. It had to have enough room for the mother and the obstetrician took out all metals of the equipments used and there were sheets laid out for the extra fluid. The mother wore earmuffs to block out the nose. As the baby was coming out the machine was shut off to prevent any ear damage to the baby. The images were a little bit distorted because of all the movement but it was able to capture some good ones. The images show as the baby is going through the birth canal and the before and after the afterbirth comes out. Researchers could see as the muscles contort and how the fetus rotates as it comes out. They don’t recommend it for every birth but it does give insight on what can go wrong when there is and obstruction during labor.

I think this is so cool. The pictures shown on the site are so weird. I wish there were more than just the three pics. Every day I am more amazed at how far technology has come and all that it has to offer. If there is a way in the future, which I bet there will be, to have births monitored like this it could save a lot of babies or mothers who have complications during childbirth and actually see what is going on.

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