Wednesday, September 12, 2012

New iPhone 5 Feature-The New Yorker

          Apple came out stating that the iPhone 5 will have a new feature that would be make it amazing. The new feature that it will have will be empathy. Supposedly, C.E.O. Tim Cook, “…believe that the iPhone 5 will make current relationships obsolete.” It’s said that it could easily take the place of an existing boyfriend.

          I think this is funny. I guess people want their phone to be a person. I know I would be lost without my phone but I don’t need it to be my therapist. If people actually do depend on their phone for everything, including a pep talk, it’s sad. People need other people to socialize and to not end up crazy and alone.

1 comment:

  1. That is funny, and I did not know that the new phone has empaty! It would be kind of fun to receive a pep talk from your phone, but I agree that a phone cannot take the place of people. I think people are too dependent on their phones. When you are spending time with someone, your focus should be on that person and not your phone!
