Tuesday, October 9, 2012

MSN living-Boy: 'Grown-Ups Killed my Kitty'

A little boy in Utah wrote a letter to his local newspaper about how his cat was put to sleep. The boy had lost his cat and had been looking for it for two days. None of the neighbors had seen the cat, or so they said. The little boy’s father went to the animal shelter where he found him. They were closing up so he was instructed to come back the next day to pay the fee and he would get his cat back. The next day when the father went to the shelter he was told that the employee had forgotten to put a note saying the cat was claimed. The cat was then put down. The little boy later went to the shelter where he was given an apology and he forgave them.

I almost teared up while reading this story, it’s so sad. I would not be as understanding as he was. If it were my pet I don’t know what I would do. The shelter offered him a new cat, but he didn’t take it. How do they expect that a new cat would make everything better? It wasn’t just a cat; it was the little boy’s friend. Shelters should be more aware and attentive of things.

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