Thursday, September 27, 2012

National Geographic-Tentacled, Carnivorous Plants Catapult Prey Into Traps

For many years a rare type of sundew, Drosera glanduliger, has puzzled scientist because of its two types of leafy things on it. The middle part of it, which is sticky, is normal for carnivorous plants but the second type of tentacle isn’t. Scientists were confused to what they were for and why they made a jerking movement. After some experiments, it was discovered that the tentacles actually catapult any bug into the sticky parts, that’s why it jerked all the time.

If I could have this plant I would, I love carnivorous plants, they’re so weird, in a good way. I had a Venus fly trap but it died. It is so weird how a plant eats bugs. It’s also cool how every part of the plant has its own function to how to survive.

National Geographic-Mars Curiosity Rover Finds Proof of Flowing Water—A First

The Mars rover Curiosity made a major science discovery, the proof of flowing water in Mars. Scientists at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, CA stated that rounded pebble and gravel near the rovers landing site proofs that there was once water in Mars. They have also learned that the water was present for millions of years. There are cut canyons and riverlike beds that could have only been made by running water. This brings promise of learning teh duration and nature of the water.

This is amazing. The first thing that came to mind was what if mars was like earth at one point. Who's to say that earth wont eventually evolve into a Mars type pf planet. The universe is so big and we all know old there is more to learn from it. Technology amazes me even more every day.

Huffington Post-13 Things We Can’t Do Without Google.

Its Google's 14th birthday and there are many things people can't so without Google. 1) Spell words. 2) Stalk people. 3) Find Our Way Around Town. 4) Remember Recipes. 5) Enjoy Ourselves At The Office. 6) Remember Celebs.7) Drive Ourselves Around. 8) Figure Out Movie Times. 9) Understand Other Languages. 10) Comprend the Idea of Debating. 11) Remember Famous Quotes. 12) Understand Unit Conversions. 13) Remember Definitions.

This is so true. I don’t know how I lived without Google. If I need to find anything or have a question I always Google it. I have it on my phone and iPod. I would be lost without it. Its genius!

Scientific American-Kids Gulp 7 Trillian Calories Per Year

According to studies done at Harvard School of Public Health, kids ages two to 19 drink around seven trillion calories per year. Money wise, it about 24 billion dollars a year in sugar sweetened drinks. With all of the types of drinks out there, the rise in childhood obesity is fast. In the U.S., 17 percent of children are obese and the sugary drinks aren't helping. Studies also suggest that obese children will have a higher risk of cardiovascular disease when adults. An upside is that if 64 calories are cut off a day it could help a great deal.

When I think of sugary drinks, soda isn't the only thing that comes to mind. Juices also have a lot of sugar in them. I used to drink a lot of soda all the time. I have cut down to a can a day and sometimes, I try not to drink any at all. Kids, especially need to drink more water, it so much better for them and if that’s all that is around, it'll be easier for them.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Womb with a View: Labor inside an MRI Scanner Reveals the Mechanics of Childbirth from Scientific American

The article was about how a German woman gave birth to her baby in an MRI scanner. The scanner was adjusted for birth. It had to have enough room for the mother and the obstetrician took out all metals of the equipments used and there were sheets laid out for the extra fluid. The mother wore earmuffs to block out the nose. As the baby was coming out the machine was shut off to prevent any ear damage to the baby. The images were a little bit distorted because of all the movement but it was able to capture some good ones. The images show as the baby is going through the birth canal and the before and after the afterbirth comes out. Researchers could see as the muscles contort and how the fetus rotates as it comes out. They don’t recommend it for every birth but it does give insight on what can go wrong when there is and obstruction during labor.

I think this is so cool. The pictures shown on the site are so weird. I wish there were more than just the three pics. Every day I am more amazed at how far technology has come and all that it has to offer. If there is a way in the future, which I bet there will be, to have births monitored like this it could save a lot of babies or mothers who have complications during childbirth and actually see what is going on.

How Children Succeed: Grit, Curiosity, and the Hidden Power of Character from Mother Jones

This article was short and to the point. It states that kids who end up being successful in life aren’t the ones with helicopter parents. Kuman and other educational things given to kids while young aren’t the answer either. What makes a child a successful adult is hardship. Learning young about disappointment builds “character traits like persistence, curiosity, conscientiousness, optimism, and self-control” which make them better.

I think this makes perfect sense. If a parent is constantly protecting a child and solving their problems then they will never know how to function by themselves. A lot of successful people didn’t come from great families. They had hardships and surpassed them.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Venom from the Banana Spider Could Be the New Viagra-National Geographic

          The symptoms of being bitten by the Banana Spider (Phoneutria nigriventer), are tremors, shortness of breath and a painful erection. Its bite has been known to kill people. Researchers got to thinking when they realized that the bite caused priapism, or prolonged erection, that can be harmful to the male genitalia. If it caused an erection, maybe it could be used to help men with erectile dysfunction (ED). Tests were done with rodents that have ED and it worked on them. What it does is release nitric oxide which boosts circulation in male genitals and makes them have an erection. This toxin, PnTx2-6, can help men that don’t respond to Viagra or other types of medications.

          I started to think of how the world itself has the solution to medical problems. Yes some science is needed to help but the solution wasn’t in nature itself. This means that the cure for many diseases may be out there in spiders or other types of things. Spiders do have a purpose in life

New iPhone 5 Feature-The New Yorker

          Apple came out stating that the iPhone 5 will have a new feature that would be make it amazing. The new feature that it will have will be empathy. Supposedly, C.E.O. Tim Cook, “…believe that the iPhone 5 will make current relationships obsolete.” It’s said that it could easily take the place of an existing boyfriend.

          I think this is funny. I guess people want their phone to be a person. I know I would be lost without my phone but I don’t need it to be my therapist. If people actually do depend on their phone for everything, including a pep talk, it’s sad. People need other people to socialize and to not end up crazy and alone.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Drought to Continue in Plains and Rockies, Though Storm Did Bring Relief to Some Areas from The New York Times

     According to The National Weather Service, “The worst drought in decades is expected, over the next few months” in the Plain and Rockies areas. Much of the central and southern plains have been suffering from very hot three digit temperatures and a lack of rain. Regions from South Dakota to Texas are moving to a drier time of year which is only going to make it worse. Hurricane Isaac’s rain did help bring some rain and moisture to some areas but not enough. Stream flow of many levels have gone back to normal after being way below regular levels in July. Even in areas where there was some rain, it was too late for crops.

     I think it’s so weird how last year we had an abundance of water and this year there’s nothing. I have a friend who is a farmer and said that in the two acres they harvested, there were only about 18 bushels were it is usually about 180 bushels. It was a big depressor. I hope that the wheat planting will be better in the winter.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Artificial Limbs Controlled by Thoughts from Scientific American

     Hopefully by 2014 at the world cup I Brazil we will all be able to see a great experiment that has been in the works for awhile. It is a suit that will be able to control the movements of a paralyzed person. It is a computer that is controlled by brain waves. It has been tested on robotic arms and computer cursors so the suit is in works now. The brain is responsible of sending motor signals that are transmitted wirelessly to a computer that is on the back of the suit. There the computer will translate the signals to motor commands so the patient will be stable. After that, the patient will just have to visualize a movement and the robotic suit will move the body to do it.

     This is a great invention. If it is made properly and works it will be a miracle for many paralyzed individuals. Technology is moving fast and it’s great to hear that it’s paying off. This invention will change the lives of many.