Thursday, December 6, 2012

Police: Father arrested after one child found in dog cage, another naked outside-NBC news

In Tulsa, OK a man was arrested when police found him passed out in bed with a 3 year old boy locked outside naked and a 16 month old little girl inside locked in a kennel covered in feces. He had supposedly taken narcotic pain medicine, a muscle relaxant and anti-seizure medication with a beer. The mother was working at the time and was just getting home when the kids where being taken and the man being arrested.

I’m sorry but I think these parents deserved to have their kids taken away from them. To me it seems as if these kinds of things happen all the time. I swear people should take tests and get licenses to be parents.

Grave interruption: Building around a tomb in China-NBC news

As construction for a residential complex goes on there is a big pile of dirt in the middle of it. It seems to be a tomb Taiyuan, a part of China. What seems to have happened was that developers bought a cemetery and had paid the families of the deceased to relocate them. Everyone but one family did. The family is waiting for “the right time” to move and for a reason why developers chose that spot. The building is set to be finished in April of 2013.

I would be kind of mad if someone made me move a loved one form what is suppose to be there resting spot forever. I also think it is kind of funny how they are just building around this huge mountain of a tomb.